How time travel works

I found out because I was bored...

Wormholes allow you to travel in time and also through space. Of course there are a few technical problems involved.

  1. The wormholes involved are tiny, sarcely bigger than most human cells and smaller than some such as nerve cells. That means you need lots of wormholes to allow a human to pass through.
  2. Creating wormholes requires energy; lots of energy. Carrying with you a great enough power source to supply this energy is impractible. It's easier to use a natural power source such as lightning. It seems 'Back to the Future' got it right.
  3. It's no good simply changing the time.You must also take into account location because the earth turns, moves around the sun, the sun spins around the galaxy centre and the galaxy moves through space. Calculating the change of location and syncronizing the action of the wormholes demands tremendous processing power.

The answer to these problems is to use nanotechnology. The time traveller's body is filled with tiny machines called timebots networked together. The timebots together have the processing power needed to calculate a move through time and space. They can draw power from a lightning strike to create the myriad of wormholes needed. When not doing that they can use their processing power to provide the time traveller with some very special abilities.

Of course there are downsides for the time traveller.

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This is for you - the one who starts thinking "But what if..."

Somewhen in time you'll read this and get to thinking. And that will eventually lead to the founding of T.A.C.O.

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